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Matthew Tomsho’s Developing Customers that Last a Lifetime Coaching

It isn’t enough to declare “Customer satistfaction is Job One”, or “Our Customers are our most valuable assets”.  You need to show them each and every day, even long after they have purchased your product or service. By the time you complete my coaching program you will be able to:

  • Hit your customers’ hot buttons giving them the service and attention they desire and to have them come back to you over and over again.
  • Deliver the kind of service and follow up your customers want in ways that won’t break the bank.
  • Minimize problems by knowing when it is time to change things and where to change them. 
  • Build the internal teams you need to execute all of the plans and systems.

When you sign up for my coaching program here is what you get:

1. An initial meeting (either via phone or at your offices depending on circumstances) to discuss where you are, where you want to be, your customers, and your available resources.

2. Development of a written plan and schedule to get information we need from you, your customers, and your employees to start developing the correct programs to reach your goals.

3. Design of systems and recommended software and third party services

4. Create an action plan with steps and deadlines to implement new systems.

5. Regular reminder emails from me regarding deadlines and progress towards benchmarks in the plan.

6. Twice monthly 30 minute private phone calls to discuss progress and resolve issues. 

7. Unlimited email access to me on issues related to the plan as we move forward.

8. A final wrap up call (or meeting depending on circumstances) to review all procedures and actions put into place, ideas for maintaining new systems

9. A series of follow up calls to check on your progress and to answer any questions that may have come up along the way.

One last thing...

I am so confident that by working with me you’ll create customers that will last a lifetime, that I’m going to make you a promise… wait, I'll make it a a guarantee:

Matt Tomsho’s "Ideas Plus Action" Guarantee:
If at any time during our engagement, you are not completely and utterly satisfied that I’ve shown you ways to create customers that will last a lifetime AND better yet, shown you how to actually IMPLEMENT everything; then we will part ways with no hard feelings and I will return your investment in FULL!

I only have 4 slots available for this coaching program at this time, and I don’t know when I will be opening more up!


Phone: 412-600-0968     Email: